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STO Tutorials

The following workflows and tutorials are available. Harness recommends you do them in this order.

  1. Set up Harness for STO describes how to set up the connectors, delegate, and build infrastructure that you need to run an STO pipeline. Then it guides you through the process of setting up a simple standalone STO pipeline. This is a good guide if you're totally new to Harness.

  2. Your first STO pipeline This tutorial covers the basic concepts of STO. You'll set up a standalone pipeline with one scanner, run scans, analyze the results, and learn how to investigate and fix detected vulnerabilities. You'll also learn how to configure a scan step to fail the pipeline if the scan finds any "show-stopper" vulnerabilities.

  3. Quickstarts These tutorials focus on setting up a pipeline and open-source scanner quickly for specific target types. These tutorials assume that you're already familiar with basic STO concepts covered in Your first STO pipeline.